#Aboutlastnight. Ben & Jerry. New Orleans. Wow!

Well it wasn’t exactly last night, but the memory is so embedded in our heads and hearts, that it’s as if it were! We know, the whole 24 hour news cycle thing and this is 3 weeks later….but hey we kinda like it when great memories stick around for a little while at least, right? It was Jan. 16, 2015 when we were together in New Orleans with Ben & Jerry, Jerry’s wife Elizabeth and son Tyrone, Jostein Solheim, Sean and his wife Jennifer and the amazing B&J franchisee family! Photo below was taken by the fabulous Greta Barker, Ben & Jerry’s Vermont HQ.  It kind of just sums it up nicely. Terrance is off to the right. That’s Josh Lazo on the left who is new to the group. He plays sax along with the rubbaord. So that’s Ben in the middle, who is clearly in the zone. Ya think?! The Zydeco Zone-of course! Jerry, beside Ben with his own cool style of playing and wearing the great (big!) African Fulani hat of Terrance’s. The one he got in Mali and wears to honor his Creole mixed African, French, German and Spanish heritage. So we’re thinking, from what we can see that Jerry is looking down, mouth open maybe impressed with Ben’s skills on the frottoir. If so, we are with him on that. The man skills indeed that reach beyond stamping $$$ and scooping ice cream. Jerry too! Great men who we admire a great deal. Love & respect and big thanks to all our friends at Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream for allowing us to be part of this wonderful event.   Ben & Jerry on stage Nola