Tyumen Philharmonics

Contact Website : http://www.tgf.ru/
Did we mention wow?? All of us at Team Zydeco feel grateful to have the opportunity to represent our country, to share our Creole cultural traditions and to perform at some of the most prestigious concert venues in the world, including this one in Tyumen. (Two’men). Can you hear the applause all the way from Russia?! Applause not just for the performance or the music, that’s a given and it’s what polite audiences all around the globe do- but there is also applause for the U.S. Our great country has used and elevated their own roots, blues, hip hop, rock and jazz music – to foster understanding and shared values- between countries. After all music is the international language that crosses all borders and boundaries. Is that flowery enough y’all?! True story though-the US State Dept/Arts Envoy does use this language in their program description:

The Arts Envoy Program shares the best of the U.S. arts community with the world to foster cross-cultural understanding and collaboration and to demonstrate shared values and aspirations. American arts professionals– including performing artists, visual artists, poets, playwrights, theatrical and film directors, curators, and others– travel overseas to conduct workshops, give performances, and mentor young people. Programs seek to connect with international publics who might not otherwise have the opportunity to engage with American arts professionals.